• If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.


Wiki Basics

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 2 months ago

Getting Started with your PBworks






Edit your page

PBworks is very similar to working with Microsoft word!  To edit the wiki, click the edit button at the top of the screen. You can tell you are in edit mode when editor toolbar is shown.  This looks different from the 'view' mode.  Make your edits and then click "Save" to finalize and publish those changes. You can edit pages just as you would if you were doing word processing --  text and graphics appear exactly as when viewed on the workspace page.


Practice on your own workspace.  On the front page, click edit and look for the toolbar to see that you're in edit mode.  Make a change to the front page, then chose save.  It's that easy!


The icons on the toolbar should look pretty familar to you, they are the universal symbols used on text editors (like microsoft word).  To learn more about the items in the toolbar, there are more instructions available on the PBworks User Manual


Video about how to edit

Editing a page from Support Center on Vimeo.


Create new pages

Once you learn how to edit a page, it's time to start to create your wiki by adding more pages.  In the upper right corner of your workspace, you'll see a link to create a page.  Click on this link to create your first page. On the next page you should chose a name for your page and click "create page."


Tada!  Your page is created and is already in edit mode.  


More instructions available on the PBworks User Manual 


Video about new pages

Create a Page from Support Center on Vimeo.

Create a Folder

Folders are the best way to maintain organization on your wiki.  There are two ways to create folders.

  1. From the workspace page
    1. While in view mode, look at the page tools box
    2. Chose "put this page in a folder"
    3. Create a new folder. 
    4. Your page will immediately be placed in that new folder.
  2. From Pages and Files
    1. While in view mode, look at the workspace tools box and click on the pages and files link.  (This is the place where you have a list of all the pages and all the files on your workspace.)
    2. Click the "New" button and choose "Create a folder:
    3. The new folder will appear immediately, with the default name being "New folder name."  Replace this text with the name you want the new folder to be.  When you are done typing the name, hit Enter or Return on your keyboard to set the name.


More instructions available on the PBworks User Manual 


Video about Folders

Create a Folder from Support Center on Vimeo.

Put page into a folder

There are two ways to put a page in a folder:


  1. From the workspace page
    1. While in view mode, look at the page tools box
    2. Click "Put this page in a folder."  If the page is already in a folder, the text will say "Put this page in a different folder."
    3. choose the folder you'd like this page to be in from the drop-down choices.  The top choice of "(no folder)" will move the page to Unfiled items.  If you pick the second choice, "Create a new folder...", you will be prompted to supply a name for the new folder.
  2. From Pages and Files
    1. While in view mode, look at the workspace tools box and click on the pages and files link.
    2. Select the page or pages you wish to move by checking their respective checkboxes
    3. Click the Move button.
    4. Click on the folder you want to move the page to, and click "Move".


More instructions available on the PBworks User Manual 


Page in a folder video

Pages Into Folders from Support Center on Vimeo.

Tag your page

A tag as a simple category name, a way to label your page.  Tag pages with a students name, or with the lesson.  When you want to find all the pages by that student or related to that lesson, you can search for the tag. To add a page tage:

  1. From view mode look for the page tools box.
  2. Click the "Add Tags" link
  3. Add your tag.


Video about Tags

Page Tags from Support Center on Vimeo.


Its important to learn how to link your wiki pages to other pages, or other sites on the internet.  There are many ways to link pages:

  1. Use the Insert Link box on the right of your workspace
    1. Highlight a word you wish to use as the link to the page.
    2. From the insert link box, chose the page you want to link to.

This option becomes increasingly difficult as you create more pages.  I prefer the second option:

  1. Use the insert link option on the toolbar (The world paperclip icon)
    1. Highlight a word you wish to use as the link to the page.
    2. Click on the “Insert/Edit Link” tool in the toolbar
    3. From the drop down menu, chose the type of page you want to link to (another page or folder on your wiki, a page on the web, an email address)
    4. Click "OK" to insert the link.

More instructions available on the PBworks User Manual 


Link pages, URL, email and more!

Creating Links on Pages from Support Center on Vimeo.


Linking to Files from Support Center on Vimeo.


Linking to External Webpages from Support Center on Vimeo.


Linking to Email Addresses from Support Center on Vimeo.




Comments (1)

elena darie said

at 12:40 pm on Feb 8, 2011

Hi! I am Elena from Romania, I am a teacher. Help me please! I cannot create a new space at this time. I have created a space which is great, http://masterteachtulcea.pbworks.com,
but my students want to create their own wiki and this is not possible. I contacted the service department, but not gave me good news
We write, can you help me!
All the best, Elena

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