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District Wikis

Page history last edited by Mr. K 14 years, 5 months ago

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How are you using your wiki?


David Hodges ESL Writing 5 hodgeswriting5

English for Speakers of other Languages. International students, some with degrees from other countries, learning English for college work.

  • "Safe Space" for students to practice rhetoric without being graded on grammar, structure or style. 
  • Excellent discussions by new writers in response to college-level Readings.
  • Link to Readings.
Madalienne P  Higher Education Information on Credential and Master's Programs 






I want this to be a collaborative site used by team members to build a public document describing the program options for graduate studies in education. 

Quick link for people interested in general information

Used as a follow up to inquiries through the admissions office and informal requests for information

Highlights innovative programs


Kelly Alford  Student Council  http://alford300.pbworks.com  We have 3 student councils in 3 different buildings and this would be a way for us to communicate with each other.  

Safe space for ideas

3 buildings can work together

Create a more focused meeting

Scott Conway  High School History  http://mrconwayshistoryclasses.pbworks.com/  I use it to keep students and parents informed of what's going on in class.  I also provide extra help for students and links to materials related to what we are studying or going on in the world  Still playing around with it to see what else I can do with it.  I'm open to suggestions on how to make it better or "spruce" it up some.
Ruth Okoye  Technology Training/planning  http://ruckus2.pbworks.com/  I use it to plan professional development offerings and also to deliver the training (on occaision)  my personal sandbox... 

Beth Kiggins


On Twitter: bkiggins

Higher Education: Professional Development http://uindyelearningresources.pbworks.com I have used this wik for the last year to provide access to resources for Summer and Winter "Camps" for our faculty.
  • Links to resources
  • Camp schedule
  • Camp reflections
  • Links to articles of interst
  • Links to videos
  • Site is updated regularly

Al Rowell


On Twitter: locotech

Technology Training http://locotech.pbworks.com/ I started this wiki this past year to organize training and to provide materials for staff development for teachers in a tech integration course.

Links to resources

Discussion page

Directory of teachers with each creating a page describing their tech integration project

Marguerite Lowak Technology communication and resource exchange
I intended for this wiki to be used by our district administrators as a resource for technology intragration and information. The admin liked it so much that they are sharing it with their staff, and it is posted on campus websites. I am excited about the future posibilities!

Resource for:

  • district technology documents
  • Cyber Security
  • Instructional aids
  • Educational/Technology Journals
  • Tutorials
  • Collaboration
  • State Databases
  • and who knows what else :)


Michelle Kantor 


Technology Communication in K-8 Professional Learning Community  burketownschool.pbworks.com  New wiki to replace a website.  Focus will be on communicating with the community to strenghthen home to school connection.
  •  increase school to home communication
  • Coordinate Parent Volunteers
  • Wish list for Teachers
  • Showcase student work
  • Resources for teachers
  • Resources for parents
  • Resources for students



Technology Integration rmsdtechmatters.pbworks.com Site for housing and disseminating technology integration resources to district personnel.  Communication hub for technology related issues within the district.
  • Links to sites
  • Tutorials for teachers
  • Professional Development notes.
Larry Bowditch Higher Education/ Teachers Resources http://mbtwed.pbworks.com Teachers will collaborate  various aspects of teaching and  catalog teaching resources from teaching workshops

Centralized resource for what others are doing to be effective

Sharing site for resources

Games for teaching

How-to resource

Mary Ray



Instructional Technology http://ecisdinstructionaltech.pbworks.com Right now I am using my wiki primarily as a tutorial to assist teachers as they venture into the world of wikis. As we move forward, this wiki will be used to collaborate and share resources and lessons that will facilitate the integration of technology into the content areas.

At this time:

* Campus "quick-link" pages

* Tutorials

* Resources

Claudia Estrada Technology planning http://ceguate.pbworks.com To present and discuss technology plans for the current school year.

Repository of documents

Resources for discussion with the Admin team and Technology committee.


LaQuita Hutchinson Instructional Technology


To assist teachers from two schools that received a technology grant to integrate technology into their classrooms.


Discussion Forum


Lauro Delgado Secondary education/ ESL; EFL http://lauronel.pbworks.com/FrontPage  English for catalan/spanish speakers My personal notebook, resources bank, reminder, etc...
Aaron C. Kinkaid

- Middle School Technology



- High School Engineering/CAD/CAM Design







Exploratory Technology for Middle School


LearnMate Lab for High School Engineering

Class resource, collaboration, and for digital portfolios for each student


Class resource, collaboration, project work, and for digitial portfolios




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