Lesson 2 homework - This space was created by a former PBworks mentor and features one of my favorite projects of all time! 

(Hint: Please look in the PDS folder to see student work)


Lesson 1 Homework


The wiki here seems more instructive than collaborative.  Mr Boyer is very engaging, and you see students publishing using wiki pages as Blogs, and the individual student bio pages show student involvement.  We have several teachers who use wikis like this: a a means to showcase individual student work.  I don't see as much collaboration among students on his wiki.

It looks like she is starting her students with a new slate.  She provides some direction on how to create a wiki page, clear expectations for the bio assignment, and she also has an expectation for students to comment on the pages of others.  This startss the students interacting on the wiki.


She lays out for parents the content of the class, informs them of how the wiki will be used, and definitely lets the parents know that students are responsible for their performance (and she doesn't seem to accept many excuses--love the page that is her stock reply to parent emails).


I don't see much here that strikes me as collaborative, though it does seem that she is starting fresh the new year.  Lots of resources for students on tools they can use, including Jing.  The live help page is impressive.

He is using the wiki to organize the syllabi and homework pages for the various classes he teaches.  This provides students with one location to check for homework, and he does have a few attachments available for download.  I was a bit excited to see "co-operative" featured on his home page, but now I see he also supervises work study. This wiki does not seek to engage students.This is a handy use of a wiki for organizing course materials, and he has organized each homework page, links page, by including each course in its own folder.  The wiki would be helpful for students as a handy online stop for all their assignments.