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7- Easy click and grab

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 1 month ago




Want a more personalized workspace?


Customize your side panel for your needs with a simple "click and grab" approach.



Click and Grab


1. Locate the side panel to left of the workspace where the "Navigator," "Sidebar," "Share this Workspace," and "Recent Activity" boxes are located.

2. To change the vertical order of these boxes in the side panel, locate the colored bar on top of each box. A special 4-point arrow should appear when the cursor is over the top bar of the box.

3. Click on the bar and, while holding down the mouse button, drag box until it shifts to the desired location.

4. Move each box until the desired order of boxes is achieved. Move your most frequently used boxes to the top and hide the side panel boxes you rarely use.

5. To hide boxes, click the upward ^ button on the right hand corner of the boxes.

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