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5- Plugin- Teaching Tools

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 1 month ago


Three ways to encourage good digital citizenship!


  • Cite all non-original text using footnotes
  • Encourage students to give proper credit for images by to the linking to the original image.
  • Create a wiki etiquette page and have you students add their ideas.



Plugin Menu - Teaching Tools

The teaching tools plugin menu allows you to add footnotes and equations on your wiki page.



  1. Go into edit mode on your workspace by clicking the "Edit" tab.
  2. Place your mouse near the text where you want your footnote number to appear
  3. Click the "Insert Plugin" button
  4. Choose Footnote in the "Teaching Tools" category.
  5. Type in the text you want in your citation
  6. Click "Preview," then "OK," and now "Save" your workspace page.



The Equation plugin lets users of your workspace insert formulas that cannot be easily typed on a keyboard.  The plugin uses the LaTeX format, which is a standard markup language that mathematicians use to share formulas.  More information on LaTeX can be found here

Once you have the LaTeX code you want to embed, follow these instructions: 

  1. Go into edit mode on your workspace by clicking the "Edit" tab.
  2. Click the "Insert Plugin" button
  3. Choose "Equation" in the Teaching Tools category.
  4. Type in the LaTeX code that you want to display.
  5. Click "Preview," then "OK," and now "Save" your workspace page.




Page Tools

Rename this page Delete this page

Insert links

Insert links to other pages or uploaded files.

Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.



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