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4- PBworks permission
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last edited
by PBworks15 years, 2 months ago
When you invite students and parents to your workspace, you set their permission level (access level).
This sets their access level for every page on the workspace.
How to set and change a users permission level
You set a users permission level when you invite them to the workspace. Enter in their email address and chose their permsission level from the drop down menu.
To change a users permission level go to your setting page. Chose "users." Here you will see a list of the users on your workspace and their permission level. You can modify existing users' access permission-levels via the drop-down menus next to each user's e-mail address.
What are the permission levels (access levels) on a wiki?
Administrators: You are an admin on your own workspace
As an Administrator, you can rename or delete anything on the workspace. Administrators can add users, change their permission levels or remove them. Admins alone have access to the workspace's Settings page and are also the only ones who can change page and folder level security settings. Admins are the only ones who can see Hidden pages or edit Locked pages.
Editors: Highly trusted not to delete important pages and folders
Editors are trusted helpers who are highly privileged Writers. They can rename or delete pages, files and folders. Editors should be highly trusted, since they can delete your data irrevocably.
Writers: This is a good level for your students: Writers can not delete pages or folders.
The recommended default for invited users. Writers can edit pages and revert pages to previous versions. They can also upload new files and create new pages. Writers cannot perform any action that cannot be undone. Writers can move a page into a folder, but can not remove that page and place it in a different folder.
Readers: Can not make contributions to the workspace.
Readers cannot make any modifications at all to a workspace, except for commenting on pages. They can view pages, RSS feeds, and files. They can also see the history of changes that have been made to a page. On a public workspace, everyone can view the workspace.
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