4 Folder level permission

Folder Security


What to know about Folder Level security:


Folder level security overrides wiki-wide security.


If you set folder level permissions, students need to have permission to access the information in a folder. 


If a student doesn't have access to a folder, they will not know that folder exists and they won't see any updates from the pages in that folder.



What is Folder Security?

Folder security allows you to group pages into folders and set specific access settings for those pages.  This means that all of the pages in a folder will have a different setting than the rest of the pages on your workspace. 


First decide how you want to group your pages - is it by classroom teams, assignments or projects.  Next decide which students have access to these pages, and what access level they should be given.


Folder level access overrides wiki-level access.  This means if your students are invited to the workspace as 'readers' and they are given 'writer' level permission for a folder, the student will be able to edit all the pages in the folder.


Only the students you designate will be able to see or edit the wiki pages in a folder.  If a student is not given reader, writer, or editor access to the folder, they will not know the information exists.  Edits will not show up in recent activity for students who don't have access to the pages in the folder.


The suggested level for students is 'writer' -- writers can not permanently delete pages or folders.


Once you understand how you want to group your pages, and which students you want to view or edit these pages, it's easy to set folder level permissioning. Here's how:


  1. Click on the "Pages & Files" link in the upper-right corner and then chose the folder that you would like to set access controls on
  2. Click on the "Folder Security" button on the top of the screen
  3. From the Folder Security window, you can set custom security by:

a) Clicking on the radio button next to "Custom security..." 

b) Selecting the user(s) whom you wish to have access to the folder's contents and clicking on the "Add user" button . You can also add more users to the workspace by clicking on the link provided.  These users will have access to all the pages in the folder without custom page security (e.g., hidden pages);

c) Choose the level of access for each user from the drop-down menu 

d) Click on the "Save" button to save your custom security settings 


Public Folders 

You can also choose to make a folder and its contents available to anyone on the internet, even if your workspace is private.  Click on the checkbox to make any folder into a public folder (see video below).


See more detailed instructions on our user manual


Folder Security-


Create a Folder from Support Center on Vimeo.



Pages Into Folders from Support Center on Vimeo.



Setting Folder Security from Support Center on Vimeo.