2-page structure

Page Structure



Writing for the Web is very different from writing for print


  • 79% of users scan the page instead of reading word-for-word

  • Reading from computer screens is 25% slower than from paper

  • Web content should have 50% of the word count of its paper equivalent



Tips for creating your workspace pages (from Sun.com)


  1. Difference Between Paper and Online Presentation: Limit scrolling; use simple sentence structure; avoid cute headlines; update facts frequently.
  2. Scannability: Highlight keywords; use bulleted lists; start with the conclusion.
  3. Navigation: Move detailed info to secondary pages.
  4. Writing to Be Read: Headlines and subheads; lists, captions, and hyperlinks.


What does this mean for you?  How should you structure information on the web to make it clear for your students.