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10 - Tables
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last edited
by PBworks15 years, 1 month ago
Adding Tables to Your Pages
Another tool for organizing!
You can use tables to compare discussion topics, list who is in each project group, or to link dates with historical facts in an organized way!
Adding a table to your page
Using a table to organize information is a great way to present information to your students. Adding a table and inserting information is quick and easy.
1. Click on the "Insert/Edit Table" button in the editing toolbar.
2. Customize the width, the number of rows and columns, other aspects of your table by adjusting the Table Properties in the window that appears. Once you're set, click OK and your table will appear on your page.
3. You can now insert information by clicking in the desired cell.
How can I edit my table?
Want to highlight certain cells with color or add another row? Here's how to edit your table after you've created it:
Adding Rows and Columns
Right click in the area of the able where you want to add another Row or Column (Mac users: use Ctrl + Click instead of right clicking)
Roll your mouse over "Insert Row" or "Insert Column" and choose if you want it inserted before or after where you right clicked
Note: You can also delete rows and columns this way!
Customizing Cell Properties
By right-clicking on the desired cell, rolling your mouse over Cell, and choosing "Cell Properties," you can customize individual cell colors or cell size.
To get to Cell Properties Recap: Right Click > Cell > Cell Properties
Under Cell Properties, you can change height and width specifications for any cell and change the background or border color. To change the colors, click on the "Select..." button next to "Background Color" and "Border Color." Choose a color and click "OK." When you're all done, click OK on the Cell Properties window and see the changes appear on your table.
Here's an example of a table with background colors:
Group 1
Group 2
Note: Tables automatically expand to hold the content you put into each cell, so the value that you put into "height" and "width" may not be the exactly what appears in your table.
Sorting Tables
Some students find that sorting a table makes learning easier. Each student can sort tables on the workspace without affecting the way a table appears to other students. Sorting tables allows students to view lists of number in ascending/descending order or view lists of names in alphabetical order.
Here's how:
1. Right Click (Mac users: Ctrl + Click) on your table and select "Table Properties" at the bottom.
2. Check the box labeled "Allow Sorting." This enables the feature.
3. Save the page.
In View Mode, students can sort tables by clicking on the column headers of the table. (i.e. students can click on "NUMBERS" or "NAMES" in the example table below to put each column in order)
Note:Table Sorting is case sensitive. A column will alphabetize Capitalized words first then lower-cased words.
To return back to the original sorting of each column, simply re-click on the header cell!
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